in a name...
people ask me what "cathar maiden" means. Well, when I
first posted on the Iron Maiden BB, I had to think of a nick to
use. At that time, Dance of Death had just come out and my favourite
song was Montsegur. I've always found history and philosophy fascinating
subjects, so I took quite a fancy to the story of the cathars. My
name can be seen as an allusion to both the song Montsegur and Iron
Maiden. But as a second reading, one might consider that in Old
Greek, "cathar" means "pure". So you could also
read my name to mean: "pure girl" or "pure Maiden
fan". Depending on how philosophical you want to get, really.

thing that my nick certainly does NOT mean, is that I am a cathar.
The cathars were deeply religious people living in Medieval southern
France. They defended their beliefs, for moral but also for political
and economical reasons, against the Catholics and were eventually
massacred by the established Church. Their story is fascinating,
but I do not consider myself a disciple of catharism, nor of any
other religion, for that matter. I'm happy to be just me. So if
you want to find out more about me, just read on ...

I like ...
Iron Maiden
(HA! you wouldn't have guessed that, huh?), everything Bruce
Dickinson has done so far (actually, I should have put that
before Iron Maiden, but never mind), 80s metal (Queensryche, Aerosmith,
Guns N'Roses, Cinderella, Mötley Crüe) ... and Monty Python,
their songs, series, movies, books, musical ... they're clever,
witty, funny, sarcastic, simply wonderful.
ancient sites, Medieval architecture, Renaissance plays, enlightened
ideas, Romantic poems and Victorian novels. Some stuff from other
periods, too. Lots of other stuff, actually. I love to roam through
English abbeys ... and English bookstores.
Chinese cuisine, Indian cuisine, Thai cuisine, Italian pizzas, all
kinds of fruit, chocolate, chips and burgers
coke, beer and I love to try anything new 
wise: travelling to new places, wearing comfy clothes, sleeping
till late (make that VERY late), meeting open-minded people, hard
beds, water that comes out of ONE tap not TWO, short-clipped nails
and a glass half full
oh, and ... basically anything that amazes and intrigues me 
I don't like ...
anything annoying (techno or whatever that sort of noise is called)
beans, broccoli ... anything that makes me gag when I have it in
my mouth 
wine and very strong booze (unless I've drunken enough before, that
wise: daily routines, wearing high-heels, having to get up early
(like, before 11 AM), racists, sexists, fanatics of all sorts and
generally all those who think they got it right and other people
got it wrong, cigarette smoke, soft beds, one tap for hot water
and another one for cold, unclipped nails and a glass half
oh, and ... basically anything that annoys or bores me 
enough of me. Why don't you go and have a look at my creative ramblings
instead ...