you come onto my site ...
This homepage is no longer updated.
You'll find here all the poems and stories I wrote between 2003-2006,
most of them in relation to Iron Maiden. I hope you'll have just as much fun reading them
as I had while I wrote them. I still come to my dear old site from time to time,
so feel free to leave a note in my guestbook. I'll be happy to see it.
Meanwhile, time has passed on and I have a new website.
Maybe you want to check that one out as well?
I created this homepage in early 2005, with the invaluable and competent help of CSPT2.
Unfortunately, just two months later, he lost his fight against cancer. He was only
25 years old. I still miss him every day. I hope you have a lot of fun up there in
Maiden Heaven, CS! You've been the best friend one could wish for.